ZAMMAMA's Official site EN
ZAMMAMA was created because we want to build a place to learn from each other and make people smile.
ZAM MAMA Official site
When we think about Zambia ,we think of the women; babies strapped to their backs, sweat rolling down their brows as they walk along wearing rubber shoes that fall apart easily. The hot sun and poor roads offer little relief. Zambian women keep walking forward for their loved ones. ZAMMAMA was created because we want to build a place to learn from each other and make people smile.
How we'll accomplish this
1. We 'll offer training to Zambian women on marketable skills.
2. With these skills, they can make and sell their goods,improving the quality of their lives and the lives of their loved ones.
3. Ultimately these classes would be run and managed by local people who have received additional training.
4. This needs to be communicated beyond ZAMMAMA,So we will promote this project in Zambia and Japan.
Where is Zambia?
Zambia is located in the southern part of Africa。It's about 12,678km from Japan to Zambia.